NHS Services
Free prescription collection and delivery service.

Emergency contraception (morning after pill)
The morning after pill is a commonly used name for a tablet that is taken after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy.

Medicine Use Review
At Gunns if you regularly collect prescriptions from us you are entiled to an annual NHS funded review of you medicines. This involves a ten to twenty minute chat with your pharmacist in private. The pharmacist will explain what medicines are for, how they are taken and side effects associated with your medicine.

FREE NHS flu vaccination
Free NHS Flu jab for anyone who falls with the NHS criteria otherwise we offer as a private service.

At Gunns we offer the stop smoking support with trained supervisors. We offer advice and support throughout your journey and can offer nicotine replacement therapy such as Gum, patches, nasal sprays etc. All this is free if you are exempt from prescription charges. If not then we can supply a month's worth of nictoine replacement therapy for ONE prescription charge.